
Head of The Department of Natural Sciences
Head of The Undergraduate Programme in Science Education (UPSE)
 Gedung C12 Kampus Unesa Ketintang, Jl. Ketintang, Surabaya, Indonesia 60213
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Staff Handbook
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Research Interest:



Important Publications:

  1. Addressing macroscopic issues: Helping students form association between biochemistry and sports and aiding their scientific literacy (International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (IJSME) 18(5), 2020
  2. Edmodo-based interactive teaching materials as an alternative media for science learning to improve critical thinking skills of junior high school students (iJIM), 14(9), 2020
  3. Science in A Black Box: Can Teachers Address Science from Socio-Scientific Issues? (Journal of Physics)
  4. Edmodo-based blended learning model as an alternative of science learning to motivate dan improve junior high school students’ scientific thinking skills, IJET, 14(7), 2019
  5. Project based laboratory learning as an alternative learning model to improve science process skills and creativity of physic teacher candidate (Journal of Physics)
  6. Predicting teachers’ familiarity on high order thinking skills through common keywords in science learning: A preliminary study (EAI EBSCO)
  7. Project based laboratory learning as an alternative learning model to improve science process skills and creativity of physic teacher candidate (Journal of Physics)
  8. The role of student’s critical asking question in developing student’s critical thinking skills (Journal of Physics)
  9. Scientific thinking skills: why junior high school science teachers cannot use discovery and inquiry models in classroom (Atlantis Press)

